WhalesOrcaBiggs — Inky T037A2

Inky splashing through the surface

Inky Dorsal and Right Saddle Patch

Inky Dorsal and Left Saddle Patch

Inky Right Eye Patch

Inky Left Eye Patch

Inky Raking Scar on Right Body


Whale Bio

Name: Inky

Scientific Name: T037A2

Sighting Locations:

July 7, 2021: N 48 35 23.46, W 122 55 28.64
August 2, 2021: N 48 11 8.74, W 122 45 10.6

Distinguishing Marks: Dorsal: Notch in middle and gouge at base connecting to Saddle Patch. Saddle Patch: Right Patch has distinct raking in crisscrossing patterns. Raking Scar on right side between Saddle and Eye Patch.

Birthday: 2009

Sex: Male

Family Tree:

Mother: Volker - T037A

Additional Comments: Named after Dena Matkin’s black and white cat while growing up in Inyo County.

Notch in Dorsal is has opened since last ID shot in 2009 which shows damage without the open notch.