April Fooled

Heading out on April first I should have known what was in store! We headed out starting things off good with a harbor seal and some turkey vultures. We set off to chase reports of a whale in the Bellingham Channel but we came up empty-handed. We headed back out to see what we could find. We spotted a Harbor Seal who had caught a fish and was attracting quite a few Sea Gull "friends". Cruising along more we found an entire pile of Steller Sea Lions at Ewing Island, I said pile since some where literally stacked on top of others. After this stop, we headed back into the docks without any ways victims of April Fools. The best part of the trip though was after the trip where I spotted a Harbor Seal lazing on the docks and I was able to hang out with and observe it for an hour close up before it decided to hop back in the water.


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Let’s Make A Weekend Of It