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Memorial Day Weekend had the "packed" the Island Explorer 5 was back at A Dock from its tempoary home during construction of the new dock. We headed south right away toward Smith Rock looking for whale activity during low tide. While observing a bait ball a Minke surfaced just right off the bow. While in this area we were able to spot 2/3 Minke we could not be sure due to longer down times and active movement due to feeding keeping our heads on a constant swivel as they had us surrounded. One of the Minke I caught on photo though had a unique dorsal that was vertical not crescent that I would like to try to ID. After leaving them we headed to Whale Rock where we found some talkative Sea Lions and watched a few practice sparring. On our way back in we spotted an eagle on a rock with a fish. Its dinner interuppted it took flight with the fish to the other side of the rocky beach barely able to carry its meal due to its size. From here we headed back into the dock.